Letters From A Carefree Black Mama

Well, it seems as though I’ve been promoted from being a mere “Carefree Black Girl” to the famed “Carefree Black Mama”… or Mama-to-be, should I say? That’s right, I’ve spent the past 8 months barefoot and pregnant, creating a human! I wasn’t sure if I wanted to document my journey with motherhood so much in the beginning simply because this is such an intimate experience but in the end I decided a column would be a happy medium. I chose to stick with my carefree Black theme because that’s exactly the type of mama I aspire to be. Of course I won’t be carefree in the literal sense, what mom is?! I’m referring to my goal of being a holistic, spiritual, free & open minded mama. I was never the type of woman that dreamed of having children someday but I always knew that if I did one day become a mother, I’d want to do it a certain way. This column will document the remainder of my pregnancy & all that comes with that, as well as my journey in motherhood as a Carefree Black Mama raising a carefree Black boy!

Like I mentioned above, as of today, I’m 8 months pregnant! 34 weeks and 5 days pregnant to be exact. When I found out I was pregnant it seemed like the VERY next day all of the symptoms just punched me in the face. Next thing I know, I’m throwing up 25/8, not being able to keep a thing down while simultaneously wanting to eat everything in sight. Body aching everywhere (at least that’s what I tell my boyfriend so I can have unlimited massages lol) and making an effort on my appearance is now nonexistent. With all that being said, pregnancy is hard but it honestly hasn’t been that bad for me. I feel like people on tv and online make it seem completely horrible and painful the entire time that it made me think it was going to be such an unbearable experience but so far, so good. Granted, I haven’t experienced the most notable and painful experience: LABOR.

Honestly, I’m not too nervous about giving birth at the moment. I don’t want to worry about it yet because I know it’s coming no matter what, so no need to be scared for the entire time plus I’m just ready to meet my baby already! I’m no fool though, I know this shit is going to HURT! Especially since I’m going the natural route and having a water birth with no medication. Some people have said I’m crazy for this but I honestly think its becoming a growing trend to go the holistic route with your labor.

I don't want to give it all away in the first entry so stay tuned for my next update where I’ll go more in-depth with everything and speaking on various topics, dilemmas and such that relate to my journey with pregnancy. Also, soon to come will be a slew of maternity shoots of yours truly! Y’all know I couldn’t go out without tryna stunt a few times, right?! Until then, enjoy the one decent selfie of me at 28 weeks pregnant!

-Carefree Black Mama

Your favorite Carefree Black Mama at 28 weeks pregnant