New Aged Noir

In preparation of our upcoming fashion show-or should I say fashion experience-we decided to do what we do best: a shoot! 

Culture Piece Magazine Presents: New Aged Noir, taking place on April 29th at Paikka in Saint Paul, is the product of months of daydreaming and wondering what life would be like if everyday was just like a day at AFROPUNK. What if we no longer had to worry about judgement from others, what if we were free to be our beautiful, eccentric, Black selves? At New Aged Noir, we will create our world for you all to experience and embrace with us!

At New Aged Noir we will ponder the questions "why is us simply being us, such an act of rebellion?" and "what makes Black people and our Afrocentric culture so damn revolutionary?" In our shoot with model Valentino, we wanted to explore femininity within Black men. With the use of soft flowers and fabrics intentionally draped over his body mixed with Valentino's soft posing, we were able to bring to life another question: why is it so taboo for Black men to embrace aspects of their femininity? Why is it that Black men are told to never show emotion outside of anger? 

Celebrate Black beauty and Fashion Week Mn with Culture Piece Magazine on April 29th and see what New Aged Noir is all about. Its time to redefine new aged Black culture without limits!


Model: Valentino Emwin // @attile_

Creative Director: Maya Clark // @mayaexplains

Words by Maya Clark // @mayaexplains