Bey Day

Well. Today’s the day. Bey Day, that is. Today the Queen turned 37 and the internet is going crazy per usual. What better way to pay tribute to Beyoncé than with an article listing all the reasons we at Culture Piece adore her?! I’m going to be honest, I love Beyoncé but I wouldn’t consider myself a member of the infamous BeyHive. With that being said, I do completely understand the appeal because come on, she’s amazing and what she does for us is even better.


  • She knows exactly what she wants and doesn't want. She has taught us there's nothing wrong with being the boss and standing your ground.
  • Beyoncé is proof that you can be sexy as hell AND have the brains to back it up.
  • She reminded all of her white fans that she is Black in every sense of the word with Lemonade. If you want to be down for her, you probably shouldn't be racist. 
  • The Queen has given countless jobs and opportunities to Black and Brown people.
  • She is a strong advocate for self love and self preservation!
To this day my arms, shoulders, breasts, and thighs are fuller. I have a little mommy pouch, and I’m in no rush to get rid of it. I think it’s real. Whenever I’m ready to get a six-pack, I will go into beast zone and work my ass off until I have it. But right now, my little FUPA and I feel like we are meant to be.
— Beyoncé // Vogue Magazine
  • This woman is timeless! We've grown with her and seen the evolution. She isn't going anywhere and her legacy will clearly live on long after her.
  • She constantly inspires. The confidence she radiates and her creativity she possesses is infectious. You can't help but want to be better after hearing her story. 
I don’t like too much structure. I like to be free. I’m not alive unless I am creating something. I’m not happy if I’m not creating, if I’m not dreaming, if I’m not creating a dream and making it into something real. I’m not happy if I’m not improving, evolving, moving forward, inspiring, teaching, and learning.
— Beyoncé // Vogue Magazine
  • She treats every performance as if it's her last. Honestly her and her sister, Solange, have been underlying inspirations for multiple Culture Piece shows.
  • Destiny's Child, of course!
  • She lives up to the hype. She's probably the only artist I know that can't be called "overrated". Don't @ me hoes. 

Words by Maya Clark // @mayaexplains

Photographs courtesy of Vogue